Search Engine Optimization (SEO) is the art of optimizing a web site or a web page to rank high in search engines.By utilizing professional SEO services, one can achieve best search engine visibility and higher traffic for his web site. Affordable, effective, and SEO marketing services can help your website to:
Why SEO (Search Engine Optimization)?
Many as 80% of your first-time visitor will have found your site on one of the major Search engines. Problem is that there are millions of websites clamoring for position on those search engines. First 20 website convert the visitor into a customer. The rest of those websites die.
Aim of SEO (Search Engine Optimziation) :-
SEO aims to index and improve rankings for the webpages which are most relevant to the keywords searched, generate tariffic for targeted keyword therefore the first time vistor convert into customer and generate more sale. Make user and search engine friendly webpage with clear navigation internal link structure etc. Get 'quality' of the one way links heavily influence the rankings of a site in the search engine. Seo making changes to the source code of the website code and remove the junk code, contnet placing on accurate position (reffer as on page ) and getting links form other relevant sites (reffer as offpage) also apply a lot of whitehat seo technique summarize later.
Importance of proper SEO (Search Engine Optimziation) :-
The success of your website will not be measured by how good it looks how is fast it loads. The success of your website will be measured by the: How much money it makes and how many customers make. Only the first 20 sites will attract visitor. Only those 20 sites have a chance to convert a site visitor into a new customer. So seo is important for your website these days every within six second a new website comes if you want grow the business don't ignore seo.
Directory submissions give a real boost to your search engine rankings, and are an important part of the SEO (Search Engine Optimziation) process. There are several human edited directories (free and paid) that allow directory submissions. Human edited directories have a certain process of submission. Every submission is checked for the category it is submitted to and also if they have suitable page title and page description. Thereafter, it depends on the human editor whether they accept, reject or modify your directory submission request.
Directory submissions give a real boost to your search engine rankings, and are an important part of the SEO (Search Engine Optimziation) process. There are several human edited directories (free and paid) that allow directory submissions. Human edited directories have a certain process of submission. Every submission is checked for the category it is submitted to and also if they have suitable page title and page description. Thereafter, it depends on the human editor whether they accept, reject or modify your directory submission request.
Benefits Of Web Directory Submissions:-
Many search engines give a lot of weight to web directories. The reason for this is that many directories such as Yahoo!, the open directory Dmoz are human edited Free Web Directory - Add Your Link The Little Web Directory and only let submit relevant websites. As search engine algorithms are always vulnerable, search engines often rely manually edited search directory submissions. If the search engine submission is in the correct category and there are relevant page title and description, then you are definitely boosting the search engine ranking of your website.
How does Directory Submission Happen?
General directory submission is a time-consuming process which involves a lot of patience and understanding, but all this is worth because of the wonderful results you achieve. A continuous directory submission process has many benefits as it broadens your presence on the web.
SEO Searach Engine Optimization Services entails the following tasks while performing search engine submissions:
submissions service for improving your website PageRank, one-way links and web popularity among major search engines like Google, Yahoo and MSN.
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