How to generate quality inbound Links?

Of course whilst most of us know this it doesn’t make getting such links any easier - its in the hands of others in many cases. So how do you get such links?

* Quality Content:-
- There are all kinds of link generating systems out there but in my opinion the best way to get links to your blog is to write quality content that people will want to read. You can solicit links with others or sign up for different link building programs or even buy text links on other sites but the cheapest and probably safest approach is to build inbound links in a natural organic way as others link to your quality content.

Notify Relevant Bloggers of your content:-
- Whilst I don’t advocate spamming other bloggers and asking for links - I would recommend that if you write a quality post on a topic that you know will interest another blogger that it might be worth shooting them a short and polite email letting them know of your post. Don’t be offended if they don’t link up, but you might just find that they do and that in addition to the direct traffic that the link generates that it helps build your own page rank in the search engines (more on letting other bloggers know of your posts here).

* Directories:-
- Another way to generating inbound links is to submit your links to directories. I know of webmasters who swear by the benefits of such a strategy - the first thing that they do when starting a new site is to do the rounds of directories - submitting links to key pages with appropriate keywords in the links. There are loads of directories out there - many of which offer a free submission. Ari Paparo has compiled a list of blog directories that you might want to start with.

* Inter-link your Blogs:-
- Increasingly bloggers are starting or joining blog networks to enjoy the benefits of multiple sites and writers working together. One of the advantages of networks of sites is that they usually link to one another. In doing so you have complete control over how your sites are linked to from multiple domains. It is worth noting that you should be careful with this approach - if all your sites are hosted on the one server many think that Search Engines will work out what you’re doing and the impact will be lessened.

Buy Links:-
- Many professional web masters have a budget to purchase links from other highly ranked and and relevant sites. I won’t go into this too much here but you might like to read more about it in my recent post On Buying Text Links. update: I’d encourage anyone wanting to buy links to think very carefully about this. Google have been cracking down on sites that use this practice. They can’t catch everyone but some have been caught and seem to have been penalized for doing it.

Swap Links:-
- Similarly many bloggers swap links with other bloggers. Sometimes this happens pretty naturally (you see someone linking to you so you link back) but in many cases the links are strategic ones and formally arranged between site owners. I get daily requests for such reciprocal links (I rarely act on them). Whilst there is some benefit in such link swapping I would again advise caution here as many SEO experts believe that the search engines have methods for tracking such strategies and devaluing the links. Some try to get around this by doing indirect or triangulated links. ie instead of site A and B doign a direct swap they involve other sites. So A links to C in exchange for D (also owned by C) linking to B (also owned by A) - makes your head hurt doesn’t it!?! There are also a variety of systems around that say they’ll take care of such interlinking for you - I know many who use Digital Point’s Free C0-Op Advertising system. Personally I tend to avoid such schemes and have a policy of linking to sites I think are valuable to my readers. If they link back then so be it.

About RSS Feed

What is RSS?

RSS is a technology that is being used by millions of web users around the world to keep track of their favorite websites.

In the ‘old days’ of the web to keep track of updates on a website you had to ‘bookmark’ websites in your browser and manually return to them on a regular basis to see what had been added.

The problems with bookmarking

* You as the web surfer had to do all the work
* It can get complicated when you are trying to track many websites at once
* You miss information when you forget to check your bookmarks
* You end up seeing the same information over and over again on sites that don’t update very often

RSS Changes Everything

What if you could tell a website to let you know every time that they update? In a sense, this is what RSS does for you.

RSS flips things around a little and is a technology that provides you with a method of getting relevant and up to date information sent to you for you to read in your own time. It saves you time and helps you to get the information you want quickly after it was published.

RSS stands for ‘Really Simple Syndication’. Many people describe it as a ‘news feed’ that you subscribe to.

I find the ’subscription’ description helpful. It’s like subscribing to a magazine that is delivered to you periodically but instead of it coming in your physical mail box each month when the magazine is published it is delivered to your ‘RSS Reader’ every time your favorite website updates.

How RSS actually technically works is probably a lesson for another day but the key today is for you to understand why it’s good and how to use it.

Let me say right up front that I’m not the most technically savvy guy going around - but even I can use RSS. At first I found it a little strange to make the change from bookmarking to RSS but I found that when I started that I just couldn’t stop.

How to Use RSS:-

Get an RSS Reader - The first thing you’ll want to do if you’re getting into reading sites via RSS is to hook yourself up with an RSS Feed Reader.

There are many feed readers going around with a variety of approaches and features - however a good place to start is with a couple of free and easy to use web based ones like Google Reader and Bloglines. Either one will do if you’re starting out (I use Google’s Reader) - as I say there are many others to choose from but to get started either of these are fairly easy to use and will help you work out the basics of RSS.

Both of these feed readers work a little like email. As you subscribe to feeds you’ll see that unread entries from the sites you’re tracking will be marked as bold. As you click on them you’ll see the latest update and can read it right there in the feed reader. You are given the option to click through to the actual site or move onto the next unread item - marking the last one as ‘read’.

Secret behind Link Building, Avoid Search Engine Spamming

On reading this post you should be able to do link building with simple steps that i believe should help you do effective link building.For a natural link simulation most of your back links should adhere to the following strategies:

Your targeted keywords need to vary a lot in anchor. Limited number of “click here” should help you to have good link building. When it comes to English websites, it is commonly accepted that more weightage (not the page rank) is got from links of related pages. Try not to have the back links all over the footage of the site or at one particular location. Try spreading it over the page, like top of page, or within the text, navigation, etc.

Never try to place hundreds of link for a new site on the very first day. Gradually increase the number of links. This normally relates to the number of links a site gets. Hence if a site has an average of 20 links per day, then do not try to increase it to 200 links suddenly. Chances of being banned from Google are high. Focus on quality not to the quantity links. Having most of your back links from the adult sites or casino sites or pharmacy sites is not recommended and such sites are known for spam.

Google tends to keep a track of all the IPs, checks your links coming from differnet C Class Ips or Not. So see to that all the links to your site comes from different websites. Always have a good combination of links from new and old sites. Reciprocal links are a good option for back links (Yahoo and MSN), but too many of them can be a problem too. 3way linking is a good option. Do not make the mistake of underestimating the back links to your internal pages. Since SEO is done for your internal pages, have the back links done for these pages too. Use varied anchor for these internal pages too both as inbound and outbound links.

Directories need to do some extra work on the links that you already have. Such directories need to be opted. Only a few selected directories like ODP and Yahoo are trustworthy. Other directories that might look good can even cause much problem to your links. So you need to be careful while submitting to directories. The time limit of back links seems to play a crucial role, and this is taken into serious consideration by the Google Sand box filter. So focus on links to be rented on long-term basis as far as possible.

Google tends to devalue the back links that come from links that could have words like Advertisements and sponsors. So be alert while you look for back links from similar links. Google is seen to use the advanced relation algorithm and the co-citation system in its algorithm. Hence we need to be careful when we choose our back links. Do not have your links from the pages that are with bad neighborhood and also the sites that they themselves link to such type of sites.

There are numerous factors that Google takes into consideration – like the IP Address, domain name, written language of the site, etc. Apart from these it is also very necessary to show the search results in the Google country specific searches. So be very cautious in deciding the language of the site when you design it for Google.

Go through the above points very carefully and recheck your website and if any found in your website, rectify them. If you continue with those mistake, they could harm your website at any minute.

Strategies that get you links:
A method where content is considered very important and also gets its links naturally is called link baiting. Any link that you have due to your content is considered in this type

Link submission directories:
There are many link builders and SEOs who focus on link building and directory submission. We have different types of directories: pay-for-inclusion, reciprocal required, free and niche directories. And we do have specialists working on each of these directories. There is a huge list of free seo friendly directories available for submissions. And about the reciprocal directories, we have both the brokers and non-brokers

Submission of Articles:
Try writing articles having links and have them in the resource page of your site. You can also pay someone to have the articles written for you and use some specialist to submit them in to the directories

2way and 3way links:
The old and a good way to get links – I link to your site and you link to my site. This will be helpful if you have around 50 plus sites, which can help you to give and take most relevant links. And remember the rule: its always that you contact people and they do not contact you first.

Get links from your own websites:
This is the best way to get links in case your website had lots of relevant pages

Alert with Link Vault:
By this method you get mostly footer links and low quality links, try avoiding link vault in your site with red flag

Subscribing to high page rank sites:
It is also possible for you to rent pages with high page ranks ( 5-9) for various prices But remember to rent only relevant sites. Renting too many sites of high PR is not preferred

Avoid Search Engine Spamming:

Search Engines are used to provide the most accurate results for your search queries. Still people have been trying to play with search engines. Search engines are regularly upgraded to provide better results and hence forth they cannot be misjudged if they give poor results due to bad search queries by the visitor. Still search engines are being developed to withstand all these tricks and provide the best of the results to the users.

Spamming of search engines includes all possible ways to cheat the search engines, and it is to be noted that these methods put tour website at a very high risk.These practices that give us false results and the websites that fool us are penalised and they tend to lose their ranks or are blacklisted and are removed from the indexes of the search engines and can also go into serious legal issues.

Points that are considered while identifying a website using spamming techniques or not :

· When a website consists of hidden links or hidden texts or invisible texts
· Pages that are not meant for people who visit, but are generated by machines for search engine activities.
· Pages that are not belonging to your main website, but instead are created for search engine purpose only.
· Websites that consists a huge amount of keywords in the content, but the page is of no value.
· When the visior(human) and the search engines are not viewing the similar content - cloaking
· Link spamming – linking with content that is of poor quality / less content
· Excess usage of cross-linking, keywords in the page
· Presence of site submission softwares that execute automatic URL submissions
· When you submit your page/site to a seach engine/directory more than once in a month
· Title tags, keyword meta tags that have words that are not seen anywhere in the page content
· Using same meta tag in multiple place (like when you use more than one title tag)
· Website pages are duplicated - same content, different file names

Decide - Spamming techniques or ethical search engine optimisation technique

Search Engines now in usage handle spamming very effectively and if any spamming is found, the website can even be unindexed. Incase if you are using any of these spamming techniques and these bring in a lot of traffic to your site, then be sure that this spamming technique is sure to be identified by the search engine or chances of any user also sending report about your tactics is high. This can very easily bring down your page rank and even be blacklisted and banned.

Ethical practices always assure you long-term successful results and do not let you lose anything. While the Spamming techniques give you short-term success with very high risk, and hence this is not recommended. Search engines take the pride on giving valid information and hence they never allow anyone to fool them, and if they identify anyone on doing this, they are sure to be taken out of their web presence and to get Link building, SEO and other Internet marketing Tweets follow me @jagadeeshmp , thanks for your time

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